Construction Guarantee Fund
Construction is a knowledge-intensive process, relying on a wide range of knowledge from different sources. Most of the knowledge in the construction industry is tacit (i.e. inside individuals), rather than explicit, and its sharing is imperative for enhanced project performance. Sharing knowledge between the project participants, helps them connect, perform better, and become stronger professionals and in turn improves efficiency. For this reason, project managers need to find ways to encourage collaboration and communication among team members and nurture an atmosphere of knowledge sharing.
In order to foster such a knowledge sharing culture, CGF instigated a programme of sharing knowledge via Technical Clinics. This is a free advisory service conducted by the CGF.
All contractors whether they obtain facilities or not from CGF, could call over to obtain such advice, in some instances on a one-to-one basis, or through pocket meetings, seminars, workshops in head office, regional offices, contractor’s office, employer’s office or at any given forum at the professional level.
CGF exploiting its past experience over the past 23+ years, provides advice to Contractors on the processes involved in the following stages, enabling the Contractors to strive to manage the construction project within the given time frame and planned budget and complete the project successfully, while adhering to proper contract management practices as mentioned below.
1. Compiling and understanding preliminary investigation reports |
1. Performance of the works with minimum disruption |
Extra professional input in Construction Managementfor information