Construction Guarantee Fund




Once an application for a particular type of Bond /Guarantee is made to CGF, CGF will then carry out a process of evaluating and reviewing the Contractor, the Employer and the Contract Conditions, in order to determine their credibility, validity and effectiveness, prior to granting the required facility.


Evaluation procedure for Contractors

The contractor evaluation procedure is a systematic process used by organizations to assess and review the performance of contractors or vendors who have been hired to provide goods or services. This procedure helps ensure that contractors are meeting the agreed-upon standards, delivering quality work, and adhering to contractual obligations.

1. Establish Clear Performance Metrics and Expectations
2. Regular Monitoring
3. Documentation
4. Scheduled Reviews
5. Performance Evaluation
6. Feedback and Communication
7. Identify Improvement Opportunities
8. Recognize Outstanding Performance
9. Contract Renewal or Termination
10. Continuous Improvement
11. Legal and Ethical Compliance



Evaluation procedure for Employer/ Client

The Employer/ Client evaluation procedure involves assessing the performance and effectiveness of the organization who are responsible for managing contracts with external parties, such as vendors, suppliers, and service providers. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that contract owners are effectively fulfilling their responsibilities and contributing to the successful execution of contracts.

1. Define Key Responsibilities and Expectations
2. Establish Performance Metrics
3. Regular Monitoring and Documentation
4. Recognition and Rewards
5. Adaptation and Growth
6. Integration with Overall Performance Management
7. Communication and Collaboration
8. Ethical and Professional Conduct
9. Supportive Management
10. Feedback Loop



Evaluation procedure for Project/ Contract

The construction project/contract evaluation procedure involves a systematic process for assessing the performance, progress, quality, and outcomes of construction project/contract. This procedure is critical to ensuring that construction projects/contracts are executed effectively, meet the established standards, and achieve their intended goals.

1. Define Evaluation Objectives
2. Select Evaluation Criteria
3. Determine Evaluation Timing
4. Gather Project Data
5. Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment
6. Review Project Progress
7. Quality Assessment
8. Cost and Budget Analysis
9. Risk Management Evaluation
10.Safety and Compliance Review


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